We Appreciate Our Online Alumni!
At SNHU, There are now more than 250k+ SNHU alumni worldwide, transforming their lives, building our communities, and staying connected with their alma mater. This page is designed to help you navigate the many career resources that you have access to as an alum. We hope this page—and the links found within it—will guide you as you continue to navigate your personal, professional, and career goals!
Browse SNHU LinkedIn Community to connect with other alumni!
Join our SNHU Alumni, Family & Friends website for additional alumni resources!
Hire SNHU students and alumni to work for your organization!
Online Alumni Troubleshooting Tips
SNHU online alumni may experience issues accessing certain SNHU single-sign on resources or websites. In these instances, online alumni can follow the steps below to gain access to these SNHU career sites!
- Several SNHU career websites available to online students and online alumni (like SNHU AWATO, SNHU Handshake and SNHU SkillsFirst) often require a SNHU email address to access them.
- Online alumni who no longer have a active SNHU email address are highly encouraged to call SNHU IT directly at 1-855-877-9919, and ask that their SNHU email address be reactivated/reinstated.
- We would recommend alumni call while at their computer, so they can test out that the email has indeed been reactivated.
- You can also view the online Alumni resources page, which lists information related to SNHU email address access or resetting your email password.
Navigating Your Career Journey Starting Where You Are
SNHU Online Career Services is here to support you wherever you are in your career journey. We have highlighted specific resources below that alumni have found valuable related to their career stage and job search. Whether you are a career starter, changer, or advancer, we’re here to support you with your next steps!
A career starter is just what it sounds like – someone who is looking to get started in their target career. Perhaps you’ve held jobs before, but they have been unrelated to your career goals or you’ve been out of the workforce for many years. Or perhaps you’re looking for your first professional experience. These resources are a great place to start:
- Start With A Career Assessment To Explore Your Career Interests
- Defining a clear career goal will help you plan more effectively and reach your goal more quickly and easily.
- Utilize SNHU’s AWATO Career Assessment tool to discover your career interests that will help you set a clear career goal.
- Network
- Join the SNHU Community on LinkedIn to connect with fellow SNHU students/alumni/faculty/staff!
- Networking is simply establishing and leveraging relationships through conversations with people who are and will become your friends and community of colleagues as you go through your career. Developing your network is easy because you know more people than you think you know!
- Develop A Plan
- Having a clear career plan is an essential part of carrying out your career goal.
- Connect with our Career Advisors who can share practical tips about how to develop your career plan!
If you have recent experience but are looking to make a major change to your job title or industry, you’re a career changer. For example, maybe you’re an experienced Software Engineer who’s ready to start a new chapter by becoming a Registered Nurse. Take a look at these resources for help in navigating this transition:
- Clarify Your Plan
- Synthesize information gathered and the goals you have set to put a comprehensive career plan in place.
- Watch our recent webinars, Using Design Thinking To Navigate Your Current Career Journey & Career Transition Success Tips for Mid-Career Job Seekers for tons of helpful tips & strategies!
- Check out our resources on Career 360 for career changers, like this helpful guide!
- Grow & Use Your Network
- Join the SNHU Community on LinkedIn to connect with fellow SNHU students/alumni/faculty/staff!
- Your network can make a significant impact on helping you take those next steps in your career.
- Ask friends, colleagues, coworkers, people at work, or family members about roles that they are in that interest you and ask how they got to where they are!
- Check out all of the available networking resources available on this site to continue to expand and leverage your network.
- Pursue Professional Development Opportunities
- Whether you are currently employed in the position you desire or are searching for a new position, it never hurts to keep yourself informed, educated, and up-to-date in your professional realm.
- Consider taking on new responsibilities and new projects in your current role to diversify your experiences.
- Check out all the available career & professional development resources available on this site, like LinkedIn Learning, Handshake, and more!
Career advancers are in their target career path and industry and are looking for opportunities to grow professionally and move up. Perhaps you’ve been a Marketing Coordinator for a few years and are looking to advance to a Marketing Manager role. Utilize these resources to plan the next steps towards attaining your professional goals:
- Prepare for Job Search
- Check out all of the available job search resources on this site to develop strong marketing materials, implement strategic job search strategies, leverage your network, and ace that upcoming interview.
- Grow and Use Your Network
- Join the SNHU Community on LinkedIn to connect with fellow SNHU students/alumni/faculty/staff!
- Your network can make a significant impact on helping you take those next steps in your career.
- Check out the available networking resources on this site as you continue to leverage your network.
- Pursue Professional Development Opportunities
- Whether you are currently employed in the position you desire or are searching for a new position, it never hurts to keep yourself informed, educated, and up-to-date in your professional realm.
- Consider taking on new responsibilities and new projects in your current role to diversify your experiences.
- Check out all the available career & professional development resources available on this site, like LinkedIn Learning, Handshake, and more!
- Click this On-Campus link to connect with the Career & Professional Development Center in Manchester, NH!
- Call :603.645.9793
- Email: careerdevelopment@snhu.edu