Students & alumni are encouraged to check out our free career assessment tool AWATO!

If you have questions regarding your AWATO career assessment results, contact our SNHU Career Services team for help.

  • A career assessment is a test that features various questions, and the answers you provide can help you discover more about your professional goals.
  • This test may involve factors like your personality, interests, strengths and values.
  • Understanding how to use career assessments can help you find a career that you enjoy!

  • Interests
    • Interests are the hobbies and passions you want to pursue in life. This aspect of a career assessment is important because it helps determine which careers and tasks you may enjoy. When you enjoy the work you do, you can remain more attentive and productive and experience higher job satisfaction.
  • Personality
    • Consider how your behaviors reflect on your activities throughout the day. Some career assessments evaluate your personality. Knowing which traits you have is not necessarily a guiding factor in determining your career, but it can help you get a better idea of which jobs suit your personality the best. For example, if you enjoy communicating with people and have more extroverted traits you may want to pursue a career as an event planner, mediator or sales manager. If you have more introverted traits you may want to pursue a career as a data scientist or nature photographer.
  • Aptitude and Skills
    • Many career assessments measure aptitude, which is your ability to perform a task without practice. You may be intuitively effective at solving problems or building things and have been this way since childhood. Some people are great analytical thinkers who thrive on working with numbers and data, while others crave creativity and being able to make something unique. Career assessments can also measure how well you perform learned skills like communication, typing and coding. The skills and aptitude you have may help determine the industry in which you can apply yourself best.
  • Values
    • Your personality is the result of your values. The way that you interact with others and handle situations depends on the values that you develop early in life and how you maintain them as you grow older. Career assessments can help you learn which careers best fit your current values. Demanding careers may not work well for someone who values a healthy work-life balance. If you enjoy helping people, you may want to work in a service-oriented career that benefits a specific group of people or the general public.

  • The results of a career assessment can help you learn which careers may suit you best and which areas of your professional development require improvement.
  • You may not realize which strengths or weaknesses you have until you’ve taken one of these tests.
  • After taking a career assessment, you may be able to view a list of jobs that match your personality and interests.

Career Resources

Options for selecting a college major are numerous and wide-ranging. Review this article on helpful tips and major areas to …

Are you considering a career change in 2024? Maybe you have new interests, need to increase your earning potential, or …

LinkedIn Learning

Making a Career Change

Taught by Stacey Gordon
Unhappy with your current job? Thinking about changing roles or industries? Learn how to make a career change that leads…

Figuring Out Your Next Move

Taught by Jenny Blake
Many smart and talented people find themselves hitting professional plateaus at various stages in their careers. Rather than seeing this…

Managing Your Career: Mid-Career

Taught by Valerie Sutton
Many people experience a mid-career crisis, where you show up, do the work, and take home a paycheck. It is…

Preparing for a Career Transition over 50

Taught by John Tarnoff
Prepare for a transition late in your career. Learn to adjust your time, finances, and behaviors as you move from…

Find Your Perfect Career Fit

Taught by Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your Job
Often, when people feel unfulfilled in their jobs, it’s because they don’t consider how well their jobs align with their…

Embrace the Work, Love Your Career: Realizing Your Career Goals with Clarity and Confidence

Taught by genConnectU
Do you ever struggle to create goals that will create real value for your organization and your own career? Fran…

Nano Tips on How to Pivot Your Career with Diana YK Chan

Taught by Diana YK Chan
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. Here, executive career and…

Switching Your Career

Taught by Dawn Graham
You’ve finally identified your dream job—in another industry or profession. How do you get that job and stand out from…

How to Pivot Your Career

Taught by Desiree Booker
Embark on a career pivot with Desiree Booker’s expert guidance. Learn why pivots are now common, key elements for success,…

Gain Experience

SNHU partners with Forage to offer virtual job simulations to build skills for real-life roles and gain real-work experiences. Job sims are 100% free, open access and self-paced.

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:00 am- 8:00 pm ET
Tuesday 8:00 am- 8:00 pm ET
Wednesday 8:00 am- 8:00 pm ET
Thursday 8:00 am- 8:00 pm ET
Friday 8:00 am- 7:30 pm ET