Join the SNHU LinkedIn Community Group! See timely posts, messages, and make connections with SNHU alumni, students, faculty and staff! …
Age-Friendly Resources
SkillsFirst is SNHU’s free career tool building platform for students. Students can create/build their resume or cover letter, prepare for …
This chart establishes best practices for Career Services and SNHU Students/Alumni to use within their career journey!
Helps job seekers find career paths based on past work experience!
We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of 64 of the most …
The objective of the job interview is to determine the right fit. You wouldn’t have made it this far without …
Listing relevant coursework from your college degree program on your resume can be advantageous for entry-level job seekers starting out …
On your resume, you may decide to highlight various school or work projects you’ve contributed to or completed. This can …
Does it sometimes seem like your age or experience is working against you in your job search? It’s true that …